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Tag Change Management

“Do The Work” Part 1: Do The Work!

Do the work is often dismissive and derisive. But it is good advice for the change leader and manager.

Of late, the phrase “do the work” has become extremely popular, particularly though not exclusively in the context of social justice, personal growth, and self-improvement. If it didn’t start out that way, it certainly now is a three-word non sequitur…...

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Follow Through! Or, Why Did You Start?

Follow through is critical to high performance in sport, arts, and business/government.

“Make sure you follow through,” droned my golf instructor. A better finish would have capitalized on a beautiful attack,” said the Scottish commentator during World Cup 2023. “Ride the joke to its end,” encouraged the MasterClass® instructor.      “Follow through”…...

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Design Thinking for Strong Change Management

Design Thinking is a value add to change management

     Design thinking is a problem-solving approach based on empathizing with the user, defining the problem, ideating solutions, prototyping, and testing. Applied to organizational change management, design thinking can help leaders understand the needs and concerns of employees affected by…...

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Winners and Losers: Changing Perceptions of Change Risk

Winners and losers in changes can change over time as can their (self-)perception of their risk. That shapes success or failure.

Introduction      Organizational change, with grand promises of innovation, growth, and increased efficiency, often fails to deliver the desired outcomes. That’s just fact. Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, though, certain individuals and groups are winners. Others maybe not so much.…...

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Lean Change Management (or is it Agile?)

Lean Change Management is similar to Agile or Lean Startup in principle

     The idea of “Lean Change Management” or “the Lean Change Manager” (LCM) is out there. An approach that emphasizes flexibility, experimentation, and collaboration, it is apparently more responsive to feedback, more adaptive to changing circumstances, and more focused on…...

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