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Category Theory

Crush Change Like a Boss

Structure-Conduct-Performance paradigm is an excellent way to lead through change

The Structure-Conduct-Performance Paradigm Unleashed! There is a framework dating back to early in the last century generally known as the Structure-Conduct-Performance paradigm to guide assessment and analysis of industrial economics. The key assumption is that player (company) performance is determined…

Winners and Losers… and the 70% Failure Rate “Myth”

Winner's Games and Loser's Games... demand strategies for Winners and Losers Games

     It’s proving hard to defang this “70% of projects fail” statement. Both winners and losers of very definite opinion challenge it quite emphatically. The pejorative “Myth!” is levied to invalidate the entire statement. Arguing that myth is actually valuable…...

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Change Success Rate a Myth? This matters?

Even if the 70% of projects fail statistic is wrong and a "myth," so what? As a myth, it has fundamental value.

The assertion that “70% of change projects fail” is a statistic repeated so frequently in the domain of organizational change and change management that its origin and specifics have become muddled in the discourse of organizational change. If taken literally,…...

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Design Thinking for Strong Change Management

Design Thinking is a value add to change management

     Design thinking is a problem-solving approach based on empathizing with the user, defining the problem, ideating solutions, prototyping, and testing. Applied to organizational change management, design thinking can help leaders understand the needs and concerns of employees affected by…...

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