304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
From Tasks to Triumphs, Cultivating an Achievement-Oriented Culture “We did <something>” v. “We got <something> done.” Sure, it’s semantic. And sometimes not even meant to mislead. But, that slight word realignment is a key to achievement and effectiveness. Observing…
Cesar Millan, the Dog Whisperer™, can instantly turn unruly canine terrors into well-behaved pets. Change is the unarguable core of his trade and his abilities are remarkable. It is not so much that he changes dogs, but that so…
Some recent change management threads that challenged and ridiculed the “70% of projects fail” myth got me to thinking. Not about the veracity of the statistic. For that look here. Rather, it got me to thinking about myth itself. The…...
A while back I wrote about and named the 3-Ps of Overcoming Resistance to Change here. I stand by them as they are proven essential ingredients to dealing with resistance to change. I would, however, add a fourth quality that…...
The assertion that “70% of change projects fail” is a statistic repeated so frequently in the domain of organizational change and change management that its origin and specifics have become muddled in the discourse of organizational change. If taken literally,…...
“Make sure you follow through,” droned my golf instructor. A better finish would have capitalized on a beautiful attack,” said the Scottish commentator during World Cup 2023. “Ride the joke to its end,” encouraged the MasterClass® instructor. “Follow through”…...
Introduction Organizational change, with grand promises of innovation, growth, and increased efficiency, often fails to deliver the desired outcomes. That’s just fact. Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, though, certain individuals and groups are winners. Others maybe not so much.…...
No. 5 in a series about Stories and Storytelling This post is all about crafting story arcs. It is not enough to have a story, your story has to carry the audience—stakeholders—on a journey. Your change story is a…...