304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
For a leader at any time for any objective—like a project that will bring change and have an impact, the “change vision thing” is not a luxury. Think about it. If you want people to follow you somewhere, they…...
No. 4 in a series about Stories and Storytelling Telling a great story is an important aspect of organizational change management. A well-crafted story can inspire and motivate people to embrace change, and help them understand the benefits and…...
Every change leader and change manager struggles with stakeholders not paying attention to change communications.[1] It is a problem no matter how you slice it. Oh, you get the point. Let’s first explore how and why communications get…
No. 2 in a series about Stories and Storytelling Storytelling makes the world go round. At its simplest, a story is a coherent set of events that move the listener (reader/viewer) from A to B. A very little less simply,…
These are not my only rules for effective communication with stakeholders. Communications experts will have others and may suggest these are unimportant. They’re wrong, probably because they don’t understand how people think. For magicians, con artists, psychics, and mentalists…...
Successful change management is impossible without a good story. This goes double for change leadership. A sure sign of an inexperienced, ineffectual, or idiotic project (change) leader, project manager, or change manager is genuine belief that the way…...
Resistance to change is the single-biggest challenge, problem, issue, risk… for the typical change manager. Even for experienced pros, it’s right up there. Except, pros understand resistance isn’t something to be eliminated: it’s the essence of the job. What would…...
What we’ve found in our travels through clients’ change management efforts is that there are still a lot of organizations that—despite training—find change management hard to deal with. There is no really good reason for this, and a part of…...