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Tag Psychology

Unlock Success: Simple Mindset Shift

A simple mindset shift can unlock success

From Tasks to Triumphs, Cultivating an Achievement-Oriented Culture “We did <something>” v. “We got <something> done.”      Sure, it’s semantic. And sometimes not even meant to mislead. But, that slight word realignment is a key to achievement and effectiveness. Observing…

“Do the Work” Part 2: The Work of Change

Do the work is often dismissive and derisive. But it is good advice for the change leader and manager.

     In an earlier piece, “Do the Work” Part 1: Do The Work!, I encouraged change leaders and managers to “do the work”—after dissecting that tragically overused rejoinder. The point being there is more to leading and implementing change than…...

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PASSION: The Fourth P of Overcoming Resistance to Change

Passion is the 4th P in overcoming resistance to change.

A while back I wrote about and named the 3-Ps of Overcoming Resistance to Change here. I stand by them as they are proven essential ingredients to dealing with resistance to change. I would, however, add a fourth quality that…...

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