304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Archives Resource Data


The sponsor is typically a senior executive accountable for the underlying project. In most cases this will be the executive responsible for the area of the organization directly affected by and benefitting from whatever the underlying project will address. In…

Representatives of impacted roles

The project team should have representation from the impacted stakeholders and stakeholder areas. Within any given stakeholder area some job roles may be affected while others are not or are affected less. Roles are job titles representing performance of specific…

Change manager

The change manager is typically a member of the project team assigned by Organizational Change Management. In most situations this person is to ensure activities are undertaken and performed to implement “change management.” Often, these activities are communication and training…

Project manager

The project manager is in charge of and coordinates the underlying project giving rise to the need for “change management.” The project manager is the focal point for outside view of and into the project. (S)He manages budget and schedule,…

Representatives of impacted stakeholders

The project team should have representation from the impacted stakeholders and stakeholder areas. If there is only one stakeholder representative, that individual is representing the interests of all impacted roles within the stakeholder area. And, by extension, is the representative…


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