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Change Training

This focus area is one of the two easiest to understand from the perspective of change management. Along with communication, training is most associated with the implementation of change in an organization. Typically, that’s because implementation of new or altered processes, different tools, skills enhancement, and so on implies a need for new knowledge and understanding. Be it trivial (e.g., a different user interface) or material (e.g., wholesale change of operating procedure or a brand new case management tool), success depends on stakeholders’ understanding of and ability to effect the change. Specifically, stakeholders need to know why the change is being made, what it means to them, and how to make the necessary shift. That often entails training of some sort.

Training playbook

While not every change will need a training program, every change must have some form of training. That determination is circumstance-specific and this change playbook contains Plays to determine what training is needed, by whom, and how it will be delivered. Generally, some training is required for all stakeholders, including both impacted employees as well as coaches and influencers.

Training as part of change management should be a path or journey. It is not a day-long course and check box. For best effect the why, how, and what mentioned above are often most effective when explained at different times, in different situations, by different people. In short, successfully securing people’s hearts and minds can’t typically be done in a single sitting.

Aligning to ADKARTM

A commonly-known rough formula for this progression to hearts and minds is the one that Prosci developed: ADKAR™. This stands for Attention, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, and Reinforcement. It is well-communicated and easy to understand, but not unique. Most all other change management frameworks also have a flavour of this progression.

Training is geared for and particularly relevant for dealing with Knowledge and Ability, each of which having a different goal.

  • Knowledge – The stakeholder needs to understand the change. What will be different? How will it be different? What does that mean to him/her personally on a day-to-day basis? Why should (s)he change? Who else will change?
  • Ability – More typically understood as training, here the stakeholder needs to know how to comply with the desired change: how to perform the work, how to use the tool, how to align to the goals. The implicit presumption is that the only obstacle to change is having the ability to do it.

Plays here are to guide and structure assessment, development, and delivery of training for all relevant stakeholders to address distinct and evolving knowledge and ability needs. The Plays account for how the availability and delivery of training is communicated to all recipients from employees to coaches to sponsors. The Change Playbook does not provide specific training content because that’s highly project-specific.


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